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What fillers are used for face?

Common fillers used for the face include hyaluronic acid fillers (e.g., Juvederm, Restylane), calcium hydroxylapatite fillers (e.g., Radiesse), and poly-L-lactic acid fillers (e.g., Sculptra). These fillers are used to add volume, reduce wrinkles, and enhance facial contours.

What plastic surgery is done in the face?

Plastic surgery procedures commonly performed on the face include facelifts, brow lifts, eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty), rhinoplasty (nose reshaping), chin augmentation, and lip augmentation. These procedures aim to improve facial appearance, address signs of aging, correct facial asymmetry, and enhance facial features.

Can plastic surgery reshape your face?

Yes, plastic surgery can help change the shape of the face. There are surgical procedures specifically designed to address the contours of the face and create a more desired shape. 

Some of these procedures include:

  • Jawline contouring is aimed at reshaping the jawline for aesthetic purposes. It can involve both jaw augmentation and jaw reduction, depending on the patient's goals and existing jawline structure. Jaw augmentation is performed by adding implants or using bone grafts to enhance the size or projection of the jaw, while jaw reduction involves reshaping or slimming down the jawbone through surgical techniques.
  • Cheek augmentation is a procedure that enhances the volume and contour of the cheeks. This can be achieved using various techniques, such as cheek implants, fat grafting (where fat is harvested from another area of the body and injected into the cheeks), or dermal fillers. By adding volume to the cheeks, this procedure can create a more pronounced and defined cheekbone appearance.
  • Chin augmentation is a surgical procedure that enhances the size, projection, or shape of the chin. It is commonly performed using chin implants made of synthetic materials, such as silicone, or through bone advancement surgery. Chin augmentation can improve facial balance, correct a receding or weak chin, and contribute to a more harmonious facial profile.
  • Facelift, also known as a rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that aims to address signs of aging in the face and neck region. It involves removing excess skin, tightening underlying muscles, and repositioning facial tissues to achieve a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance. While a facelift primarily targets the lower face, it can also have an impact on the jawline and overall facial contour.

It's important to note that the specific procedures recommended for reshaping the face will depend on your individual facial anatomy, goals, and the assessment of a qualified plastic surgeon. They will be able to provide personalized advice and recommend the most suitable procedures to help you achieve the desired shape for your face.

What kind of anesthesia is used for facial plastic surgery?

The type of anesthesia used for facial plastic surgery depends on the specific procedure and the preferences of the surgeon and patient. Local anesthesia with sedation, general anesthesia, or a combination of both may be used. Local anesthesia is commonly used for minor procedures, while general anesthesia is typically used for more extensive surgeries.

Does insurance cover the cost of facial plastic surgery?

In most cases, insurance does not cover the cost of facial plastic surgery if it is done for purely cosmetic reasons. However, if the procedure is deemed medically necessary, such as in cases of reconstructive surgery after trauma or to correct functional issues, insurance may provide coverage. It's best to check with your insurance provider to understand their specific policies.

Will I have visible scars after facial plastic surgery?

The visibility of scars after facial plastic surgery depends on various factors, including the procedure performed, the surgeon's techniques, and individual healing abilities. Skilled surgeons make incisions in discreet locations and use techniques to minimize visible scarring. Over time, scars often fade and become less noticeable.

How long does it take to recover from facial plastic surgery?

Recovery time varies depending on the specific procedure, the individual's healing process, and the extent of surgery. Generally, swelling and bruising are common in the first week or two and gradually subside. Most patients can resume normal activities within a few weeks, but it may take several months for the final results to fully manifest.

What are the common risks and complications associated with specific facial procedures?

The risks and complications associated with specific facial procedures can vary. However, common risks include infection, bleeding, scarring, adverse reactions to anesthesia, asymmetry, temporary or permanent nerve damage, and dissatisfaction with the results. It's essential to discuss potential risks and complications with your plastic surgeon before undergoing any procedure. They will provide you with detailed information based on your specific surgery.