Dr. Michael Bassiri-Tehrani is a double board certified Otolaryngologist (ENT) and Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon. He specializes in all aspects of the face, head and neck whether they be cosmetic or reconstructive in nature. Dr. Bassiri-Tehrani’s mission is simple - to provide his patients with naturally looking results.
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How quickly can I book a consultation with Michael Bassiri-Tehrani?
Michael Bassiri-Tehrani usually has consultation slots available within 1 week. You can view Michael Bassiri-Tehrani’s earliest availability on PreferredMD, and book your appointment online.
Is Michael Bassiri-Tehrani taking new patients?
Michael Bassiri-Tehrani is taking new patients. Check out Michael Bassiri-Tehrani’s earliest openings on PreferredMD, and book your visit using the form.
How do I find a doctor who takes my insurance?
First find the doctor that best fits your needs, review their experience, and determine that the location is convenient for you. Book a visit, and put in your insurance information in the next step of the booking process. The doctor’s office will contact you to verify whether your plan is accepted.
Would I have to pay more if I use my out-of-network benefits (OON)?
Many plans allow for access to out-of-network providers for the same out-of-pocket cost as in-network providers.
Can I book an appointment online with Michael Bassiri-Tehrani?
Absolutely! You can book an appointment online with Michael Bassiri-Tehrani through PreferredMD. It’s free, convenient, and secure. No calling a doctor's office and waiting in line.
Which hospital(s) is Michael Bassiri-Tehrani affiliated with?
Hospital affiliations of Michael Bassiri-Tehrani:
New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mt. Sinai
Beth Israel Mt. Sinai
Where is Michael Bassiri-Tehrani’s office located?
Michael Bassiri-Tehrani’s office is located at 61 East 86th St New York NY 10028.
Which board certifications does Michael Bassiri-Tehrani have?
Michael Bassiri-Tehrani has the following board certification(s):
American Board of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery
American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
What educational and training qualifications does Michael Bassiri-Tehrani have?
Michael Bassiri-Tehrani’s education and training includes: Residency:
The New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai
USC & Lasky Clinic Beverly Hills, CA
College/Medical School:
Accelerated BS/MD
CCNY and Stony Brook University
Who has access to my uploaded test results?
Your uploaded tests results are only able to be viewed by the physician or surgical facility you selected and shared with via the HIPAA-compliant PreferredMD platform. Physicians and surgical facilities use the same secure platform to view your results. In addition, you have the ability to un-share results.
Where can I find out more about Michael Bassiri-Tehrani?
You can check out Michael Bassiri-Tehrani’s social media accounts linked at the top of their profile.